
The program in a pdf format can be found here.

Day 1: Thursday, May 16

  • 8:40-9:00 Registration and Opening Remarks
  • 9:00-9:45 Giles Howdle: "Toward a 'Strong AI' Error Theory" [slides]
  • 9:50-10:35 Anastasia Giannakidou and Alda Mari: "Truth Judgment, Internal States and LLMs" [slides]
  • 10:35-10:50 coffee break
  • 10:50-11:35 Rick Nouwen (keynote): "Human Agency and Theories of Machine" [slides]
  • 11:40-12:25 Regine Eckardt and Dorothea Debus: "LLMs Are (Still?) Mechanical Turks" [slides]
  • 12:25-13:30 lunch*
  • 13:30-14:15 Adam Rostowski and Simon Bowes: "Mapping Attributions of Agency to AI"
  • 14:20-15:05 Andrey Kutuzov (keynote): "What is a Language Model and Why Is It Not Capable of Having Intentions?" [slides]
  • 15:05-15:20 coffee break
  • 15:20-16:05 Olga Kellert: "How Good is AI at Natural Language Understanding and Inferencing?" [slides]
  • 16:10-16:55 Benjamin Gaskin: "Egocentric Speech in Children and Machines: Chain-of-thought Prompting through the Lens of Developmental Psychology" [slides]

Optional Group Dinner: 20:30 at Apex Bistro, Burgstraße 46 (attendees cover their own meals)

Day 2: Friday, May 17

  • 9:00-9:45 Anna Strasser (keynote): "What are We Doing If We Interact with LLMs?" [slides]
  • 9:50-10:35 Reto Gubelmann: "Of the Meaning of Meaning, Confused Mountaineers, and Octopi: Sketching a Promising Interplay Between Conceptual and Empirical Methods in NLP" [slides]
  • 10:35-10:50 coffee break
  • 10:50-11:35 Carson Johnston: "Mitigating False Appropriation in HCXAI" [slides]
  • 11:40-12:25 Eric Schwitzgebel and Jeremy Pober: "Against Organic/Artificial Parity in Consciousness Attributions" [slides]
  • 12:25-13:30 lunch*
  • 13:30-14:15 Jen Semler (Zoom): "Minimal Artificial Moral Agency"
  • 14:20-15:05 Denis Bonnay and Joseph Enguehard: "The Moral Reasoning of LLMs" [slides]
  • 15:05-15:20 coffee break
  • 15:20-16:05 Ruchira Dhar: "Compositionality in Language Models: A Perspective in Changing Interpretations and Methods"
  • 16:10-16:55 Ioana Buhnila, Georgeta Cislaru and Amalia Todirascu: "Semantic and Pragmatic Proprieties of LLM’s ‘Hallucinations" in the Medical Field" [slides]

*Lunch: closeby cafeterias can be found here.