Agency and Intentions in Language 5

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (virtual)

January 29 – 31, 2025


The program in a pdf format can be found here. An abstract booklet can be found here.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

8:50-9:00 14:50-15:00 Welcome and opening remarks
9:00-9:45 15:00-15:45 David Lindeman (Georgetown U.)
"The logical form of psychological reports"
(abstract, slides)
9:50-10:35 15:50-16:35 Henry Schiller
“Advocacy and the function of folk psychology” (abstract)
10:50-11:35 16:50-17:35 Juliana Faccio Lima
“How do indexical beliefs motivate group action?” (abstract)
11:40-12:25 17:40-18:25 Boban Arsenijevic and Magdalena Kaufmann
“Trying our best” (abstract, slides)
12:30-13:15 18:30-19:15 Achille Fusco and Tommaso Sgrizzi
“Belief-intention alternation with Italian convincere” (abstract, slides)

Thursday, January 30, 2025

9:00-9:45 15:00-15:45 Robert Reimer
“Explanatory reasons, actions, and the right fit” (abstract)
9:50-10:30 15:50-16:30 Poster session
10:30-10:45 16:30-16:45 Light presentations (alternate speakers)
10:50-11:35 16:50-17:35 Prerna Nadathur (Ohio State U./New York U.)
“On the interaction of aspect and ability in two Hindi/Urdu constructions”
(abstract, slides, handout)
11:40-12:25 17:40-18:25 Paola Fritz-Huechante
“Korean change of state predicates Non-culminating readings across scale and causative structures” (abstract)
12:30-13:15 18:30-19:15 Patricia Cabredo Hofherr
“Causative invitations and types of causation”) (abstract, slides)

Friday, January 31, 2025

9:00-9:45 15:00-15:45 Tatjana Ilic
“Intentionality, control, and the semantic notion of agent” (abstract)
9:50-10:35 15:50-16:35 Mingjiang Chen
“Agents are anti-telic” (abstract, slides)
10:40-11:25 16:40-17:25 Beth Levin (Stanford U.)
“(Non-)agentivity and subjecthood”
(abstract, slides)
11:40-12:25 17:40-18:25 Elena Garadja
“Learnable control” (abstract, slides)
12:30-13:15 18:30-19:15 Olivia Sultanescu
“The speaker’s attitude to her own words” (abstract)

Poster session

Michael Madden Prinzing and Joshua Knobe “From artefacts to human lives: Investigating the domain-generality of judgements about purposes” (abstract, slides)
Alice Suozzi and Gianluca Lebani “What makes an Agent an Agent? Comparing the semantic properties of Instruments and prototypical Agents in subject position” (abstract)
Fahima Ayub Khan, Eleni Gregoromichelaki, Christine Howes, and Robin Cooper “Implicativity in Interaction: Effects of conversational context and lexical meaning” (abstract)
Maura Panozzo Chiomento, Maria Vender, and Denis Delfitto“Lexical Access of Verbs in Parkinson’s Disease: Does Agency Matter?” (abstract, slides)

Light talks (alternate speakers)

Chris Cousens “Large Language Models in Large Language Games” (abstract)
Crystal Seet “Degrees of Agential Substantive (Ir)Rationality” (abstract, slides)
Larry Lengbeyer “Can compartmentalization make sense of an agent holding inconsistent beliefs?” (abstract)